Here are all our payment methods :

- 100% secured payment by credit or debit card : VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS, directly on our website.

- Pre authorized debit (PAD) : if your bank account is located in the SEPA zone (33 european countries as of today), you may fill in our PAD document that you may download on our website and send it to us by email after you signed it and scanned it. This document must be received at least 48h before your first booking.

- Bank transfer : The money must be received at least 48h before your booking. Our bank account details are given when you confirm your booking.

- By check (on a French bank), to EASY PARKING. The check will have to be received at least 48h before your booking starts.

- New : Pay with Bitcoin ! Simply book as usual and choose "bank transfer" as the payment method. Then send us a message we'll tell you exactly how many bitcoins you need to send us.

Our Bitcoin address is easyparking.crypto (if your wallet allows for .crypto domains transactions) or 1H4kha3xWMWkrFf1am5kCcezzdQyyCgMyy.

If you wish to send any other cryptocurrency, please contact us.

  • Secured payment
<span class="infosup">100% secured payment methods</span> Secured payment 100% secured payment methods En savoir +
  • Inside or outside parking ?
<span class="infosup">Our best customers
are automatically upgraded </span> Inside or outside parking ? Our best customers are automatically upgraded En savoir +
  • Insurance and guarantees
<span class="infosup">Your car is insured by us while under our custody</span> Insurance and guarantees Your car is insured by us while under our custody En savoir +