If you choose to pay by credit card, payment is made online when you book.

If you choose another method of payment, your payment must be received at least 2 days before your meeting time with our driver.

If you don't know your return date in Nice at the time of booking, or if you modify it, you will pay an initial amount at the time of booking and a 2nd payment when your return date is confirmed.

  • Secured payment
<span class="infosup">100% secured payment methods</span> Secured payment 100% secured payment methods En savoir +
  • Inside or outside parking ?
<span class="infosup">Our best customers
are automatically upgraded </span> Inside or outside parking ? Our best customers are automatically upgraded En savoir +
  • Insurance and guarantees
<span class="infosup">Your car is insured by us while under our custody</span> Insurance and guarantees Your car is insured by us while under our custody En savoir +